
We are pleased to announce the release of the Dolby® Multichannel Amplifier DMA16301, an updated 16-channel amplifier with enhanced power handling for lower impedance loudspeakers.  The DMA16301 complements the existing 24- and 32-channel amplifiers, the DMA24300 and the DMA32300, respectively. The updated DMA16301 offers improved performance that enables it to better support a broader range of loudspeakers in an auditorium, including screen channels, low-frequency components and subwoofers. Additionally, it now integrates with traditional 5.1/7.1 cinema processors, such as the Dolby® Digital Cinema Processor CP750, via a qualified external analog-to-digital converter, the Yamaha Tio1608-D. The DMA amplifiers now support the following output power:

Output mode Speaker impedance DMA24300, DMA32300 DMA16301
stereo output mode (unbridged) 2 ohm N/A 600W
4 ohm 300W 600W
8 ohm 300W 300W
bridged output mode 2 ohm N/A N/A
4 ohm N/A 1100W
8 ohm 600W  1100W


We are also announcing the release of the Dolby Multichannel Amplifier software version 2.0.0, which is compatible with all DMA hardware. This software release adds the following new capabilities:

  • Compatibility with our qualified analog-to-digital converter solution, the Yamaha Tio1608-D, that enables 5.1/7.1 audio input from the Dolby® Digital Cinema Processor CP750. A new accessory cable, the DMA-ACC-YAM-ADC, is now available to facilitate connecting the CP750 to the Yamaha Tio1608-D.
  • Full cross-point matrix input/output routing—a new graphical interface for routing has been added which allows you to connect inputs to outputs for easy installation
  • New per-channel output gain setting
  • Pink noise signal generation

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