Wireless digital communication, adopting multilevel error correction and encrypted coding for high confidentiality and low error rate
Voting unit will upload data on its time slot, this communication type is faster than roll polling. It takes about 1 second for 100 voting units uploading data
When powered on, voting unit will search RF channel and join in the eligible RF channel automatically
RF transceiving range: 100 m (frequency optional)
Screen backlight can be turned on/off by software
Large LCD for displaying voting and sign-in information, easy to use
Max. system capacity: 1200 wireless voting units
3 voting keys
Built-in IC-Card reader
Multiform voting implementation in combination with the corresponding software modules:
- For/Against
- Parliamentary: YES/NO/ABSTAIN Multi-choice: 1~N
- Audience response: 0/25/50/75/100
- Score: 0~100
Key-press sign-in
Two alkaline batteries (AA battery) for continuous using not less than 60 hours
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