The closest wall mounted indoor LED video display, makes your dinner hall alive.
The closest wall mounted indoor design, first cat walk free solution, front installation available; Vivid video performance, first option for dinner halls, meeting rooms, TV studios & etc.
HD perfect display performance, expressive watching experience.
Pixel pitch is 5.2mm, focus on the color resolution, gray scale, refresh rate, match any indoor surroundings.
Low brightness with high gray scale.
20% brightness still keeps a good gray scale performance.
Ultra thin design, saving your installation cost
The thickness is only 77mm, weight is only 15kg, 20% less than the traditional LED display, saving your delivery cost and installation cost.
Magnet module design, makes front servicing convenient.
With a tool insert the maintenance hole to pull the module, 3 seconds can be finished, safe and convenient; Module, power supply, receiving card front servicing available.
Front installation design, cat walk space free.
Whole LED screen can be installed in front, the first cat walk free solution, the display can be close mounted into the wall. The whole screen (including the frame) thickness is only 150mm.
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